Colorado Springs auto accident attorney specializing in severe injury claims

Auto accident attorney Colorado Springs can assist you in getting through the difficult legal proceedings after an accident. Being injured in a car accident can be a frightening and perplexing experience. The situation can become even more stressful when you have mounting medical bills and constant phone calls and e-mails from insurance companies. Car accidents can have physical, financial, and even psychological consequences that can take months or even years to recover from. Car accidents can have long-term adverse effects on many aspects of people’s lives, from medical bills and car repairs to lingering emotional trauma.

The Human Factor in Car Accidents: A Preventable Tragedy

What can be as devastating as the aftermath of a car accident is the fact that, in many cases, these accidents could have been avoided if one or more drivers or other parties had been more cautious, sober, and responsible. More than 90% of all car accidents in the United States each year are caused partly by human error (according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration).

Understanding the Causes of Car Accidents in Colorado Springs

Car accidents in Colorado Springs, CO can happen for a variety of reasons. Driver negligence is one of the leading causes of these crashes that can turn victims’ lives upside down. When an auto accident attorney in Colorado Springs takes on your case, they will look into whether your accident was caused by negligence, such as:

Common Forms of Driver Negligence Contributing to Accidents

  • Speeding/Tailgating
  • refusal to yield the right of way
  • Making risky lane changes or turns to the left
  • Driving while talking on the phone or texting
  • Distracted driving in other situations
  • Drunk driving and driving while impaired by drugs
  • Driving while tired.

The Role of Vehicle Defects in Car Accidents

Driver negligence is not always the cause of a car accident. An accident can happen if a car has a flaw or a defective part, such as a faulty brake system, a faulty steering column, or tires prone to blowouts. Rollovers can also happen as a result of a defective vehicle design. If an automotive defect caused your accident, the best car accident lawyers in Arizona can seek justice by filing a product liability lawsuit against the manufacturer and other parties responsible.

The Impact of Road Conditions on Car Accidents

Furthermore, many crashes occur due to poor road design, construction, or maintenance. In such cases, an auto accident attorney Colorado Springs can investigate whether a government agency should be held liable for the harm you and/or your loved ones have suffered.

Why Do You Need An Auto Accident Attorney Colorado Springs

An insurance company may attempt to persuade you that you do not require the services of a lawyer to handle your claim. However, if your accident resulted in serious injuries or the death of a loved one, nothing could be further from the truth. You will need the assistance of an auto accident attorney Colorado Springs to protect your rights and interests.

How Experienced Attorneys Support Your Car Accident Case

The best car accident lawyers in Arizona begin working on your car accident case right away. Auto accident attorney Colorado Springs can take the following actions on your behalf:

  • Conducting a thorough investigation into your crash
  • Obtaining and reviewing all of your medical records
  • Collaboration with experts in areas such as accident reconstruction
  • Adding up all of your losses
  • Obtaining full and equitable compensation from insurance companies
  • Going to court if you are unhappy with the settlement offers you receive
  • Managing your property damage claim and all other related issues.

Auto accident attorney Colorado Springs assist car accident victims in Colorado Springs on a contingency fee basis. In other words, their legal fees are conditional on them obtaining compensation for you. You will owe them nothing if they do not recover compensation on your behalf. If an auto accident attorney Colorado Springs is successful in obtaining compensation, we will be paid a percentage of your recovery.

When Should You Hire An Auto Accident Attorney Colorado Springs

A personal injury claim in Colorado does not require you to hire the best car accident lawyers in Arizona However, in most cases, hiring an auto accident attorney California provides several significant benefits.

Documenting your claim:

The best car accident lawyers Arizona also advise you on best practices to follow throughout your car accident case, such as not giving the insurance company a recorded statement unless you have legal representation and refraining from using social media while your claim is pending. An auto accident attorney California will gather information and evidence to establish fault and liability for your damages. They create the most compelling case possible to help ensure the best possible outcome for you.

Negotiating with the insurance company:

Once an auto accident attorney Colorado Springs have documented your claim, they submit it to the insurance company along with a written demand. The best car accident lawyers Arizona negotiate with the insurer on your behalf, leveraging their decades of combined experience to get you the compensation you deserve. An Auto accident attorney Colorado Springs defends your legal rights and insist on the insurer negotiating in good faith. If they refuse, the lawyer can discuss the possibility of filing a civil lawsuit and pursuing your case in that manner.

a winning case, and when and how to use that information to your advantage.When looking for the best car accident lawyers Arizona, the importance of expertise cannot be overstated. You need an auto accident attorney Colorado Springs that specializes in both car and truck accidents. It’s also important to understand that expertise in car wrecks does not necessarily translate to expertise in truck wrecks. To ensure you get the settlement you deserve, you must understand and navigate the regulations, laws, and technology that govern and monitor the commercial trucking industry.

What To Look For In An Auto Accident Attorney Colorado Springs

Productive action: Experts do not become experts by simply educating themselves, acquiring skills, and declaring themselves to be “experts.” Without specific, ongoing, and strategic action, experience, and ongoing training, abilities are meaningless. It’s the equivalent of keeping a race car in your garage or never cleaning a grand piano. If you do either, the engine will eventually stop running and the piano will go out of tune.

But taking action isn’t enough. Knowledge and skills are activated and unleashed by expertise. It improves them. After all, the most important factor to a client isn’t an auto accident attorney Colorado Springs intelligence, skills, oratory skills, or likeability: it’s their ability to turn action into results.


  1. Can you still file for damages if an uninsured driver hit you?

Fortunately, Colorado law requires all insurance sold in the state to cover both insured and uninsured parties, which means you are still entitled to compensation even if the driver was uninsured. Depending on the circumstances, your insurance policy may cover the uninsured driver’s damages. While you are entitled to compensation even if the other driver is uninsured, insurance companies work hard to make the process as difficult as possible. Hiring an auto accident attorney Colorado Springs is more important than ever if you are involved in an accident with an uninsured driver.

  1. How long after the accident can you file the claim

It is critical to begin working toward a solution as soon as the accident occurs. The longer you wait to file your claims, the more difficult it will be to obtain the maximum amount of compensation. In the state of Colorado, you have up to 180 days to file a claim for injuries related to that specific accident. If you decide to take legal action against the individual who caused the accident, the statute of limitations is three years from the date of the accident. After three years, you will be legally barred from receiving any damages or compensation for the accident in question.

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